Agency: Cedar Centre

Cedar Centre provides a unique and holistic approach to therapy, education and advocacy for those who have experienced trauma.

We work from anti-racist and anti-oppressive frameworks, serving all ages. We are committed to improving their lives through a trauma-specific therapy plan that is designed to meet each person’s unique needs, strengths and challenges.

We fulfill our mission through:

  • Clinical Excellence
    By using evidence-based practices to ensure our clients receive the best trauma-therapy available
  • Our People
    By investing in our staff through training and offering a flexible work environment
  • Education
    By furthering our evidence-based research to help inform, train and support community leaders, educators, clinicians and other professionals who work in the field of mental health
  • Leadership
    By developing collaborations and partnerships within the community in order to provide clients with fully-integrated, trauma-specific care


25 member agencies in York Region

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